Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hard Water Wonders

I scouted out a new lake today.  Actually it is a hidden river backwater way out in Bigfoot's back yard.  The waterway is quite unique and full of giant panfish.

A pair of 13.5" Black Crappies

Besides big Crappies this lake had huge Bluegills in it as well; some of the biggest I've caught in many moons.  Most averaged between 8-9", but a friend of mine lost one in the hole that was seriously 1.5-2#, a true Bull Gill.

A average Gill for this spot


  1. man...good find!

    looks like you will be eating well...

  2. Those pics there make me wanna break out the deep fryer! Nice gills and papermouths.

  3. Thanks HPFF, not much flyfishing going on here with the lock up of ice, but panfish on the short rods is fun too.
