A buddy and I took Charlie up to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area to target Northern Pike in a backwoods lake and hunt down a few Grouse. Our free campsite is just as beautiful as I remember it from 12 years ago. We set up a nice camp.
It took about 2 hours of hiking through the woods to find the trail back to my secluded Pike spot. We fished Tuesday for 4 hours and we caught 21 Northern Pike. The action was almost nonstop, but the reality of our 2 mile trek back through the swamp dragging a 14 foot aluminum boat, cut the time down. We used to get monster 16-23 pounders out of this lake 12 years ago, and they now averaged 6-7 pounds with the biggest being 9 pounds. I still believe theres monsters lurking there. We kept 2 to eat.
Heading back to a Grouse trail we saw a cow and a nice bull Moose. We only caught a glimps of the bull and could'nt get a picture, but the cow stood at full pose and let us get close.
Everything is beautiful up there.
Yesterday I shot my limit of Grouse before 10:30, all nice birds that will eat well and whose flanks will live on in my flies.
Charlie had the time of his life up there and had no problem hangin' at the campsite just chillin'.